
uvodniPaní­ Edith se narodila roku 1914 a mladí prožila v Mohelnici, Lošticích a Olomouci. Byla vězněna v terezíně a v Osvětimi a uprchla z pochodu smrti. Jako jediná z celé rodiny přežila holocaust a vrátila se do Olomouce. Po problémech v roce 1948 emigrovala do USA. V jejím vyprávění se dějiny 20. století v naší oblasti transformují do jediného lidského příběhu.

wolf_denikyWhile in hiding, Otto wrote a diary, which was later published under the title: "Denik Otty Wolfa 1942- 1945" (The Diary of Otto Wolf). He started to write this work when he was just 15 years old. His diary is considered to be a unique and important document illustrating the life during the occupation, and describing help of the Czech people to their endangered compatriots.

schindlerova_mohelniceShe was born on October 22, in the village of Maletin not far from the town of Mohelnice. On March 6, 1928 she married Oscar Schindler from the nearby town of Svitavy. This is a beginning of the story, which became famous thanks to the director Steven Spielberg and his movie Schindler´s List.

There are no translations available.

schmitzRichard Schmitz zemře ve Vídni 27. dubna 1954. Jeho potomci nezapomněli na rodiče svého otce. Před nedávnem předali informace a materiály o jeho osudech zpět do Mohelnice prostřednictvím paní­ Hildegardy Kaplové a během setkání se členy sdružení Respekt a tolerance ve Vídni. Luděk Štipl je dále zpracoval pro vznik článku o tomto dalším zajímavém osudu Mohelnicka.

zieglerThe history of the Ziegler family shows, how Nazis and later Communists were able to erase information about Jewish history. Now, not too many people know that there was a prayer room right in the Mohelnice town square or there is a beautiful Jewish cemetery in the town of Lostice. Nazis tried to destroy Jewish people and their history. Indifference to Jewish history is continuation of this process. Members of the foundation Respect and Tolerance are bringing information about Jewish life and history back to life.

gratzer1Gratzers were Jewish and therefore before WWII they left for Palestine. Sons of Richard Gratzer - Otto and Kurt joined the Czechoslovak Army Unit and fought Nazis in Africa and Western Europe. In 1945 they returned back to the Czech Republic and later Otto married Felicitas Wolf (sister of Otto a Kurt Wolf). In the 1960s they left for the United States, where they lived under a new name Garda.

fiserMr. Fiser lives with his wife in Mohelnice. During our first meeting he told me he does not like to think about his childhood in the concentration camp. However he occasionally gives interviews or provides information for articles, because he wants to honor the memory of his relatives and friends who perished in the Holocaust. He shares his information to give the frank warning to those who did not experience suffering caused by Nazis and therefore do not understand what happened and what could happen.

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